About the League

Last updated at 10:24 a.m. on the 10th November 2024

The TOUCAN Challenge League is the student archery league in the East and West midlands, hosting 14 clubs across 2 divisions. For the 2024-25 season, the clubs in each division are as follows:

Divison 1

Division 2

Each University is required to host a leg of the competition, allowing at least 8 archers from each University to shoot. Often shot in two or three session across the day, each team shoots a Portsmouth round (5 dozen at 20yrds). The competition is split into novice and experienced teams, and a team in each category is made of the top four archers from a given University, combining their scores to give a total score for that University.

League points are awarded across three complementary legs, with the highest team scoring maximum (9) points, reducing by 1 point for each subsequent team until the University unfortunate enough to come last receives 1 point. Failing to turn up to a league match results in an automatic score of zero.

Awards are also handed out for individual scores too, but these are restricted to solitary legs of the competition, and have no effect on the overall standings within the League Competition.

For the final calculation of the League scores, the scores from the TOUCAN Indoor Championship is also taken into account (this time with 9 points being awarded for 1st place etc..). The Experienced and Novice teams with the highest league scores at the end of the season are awarded the League trophies and are named League championships for that year!

League Organisers

Most of the per-leg organisation is up to the University itself, but the TOUCAN Organiser helps with coordinating dates for the competition. It is also the Organisers responsibility to buy the medals for every competitions, and collate the results afterwards. Basically, the TOUCAN Organiser is your first port of call with any problems or queries you might have. More information on organising your own TOUCAN leg can be found on the organising a leg page.

The league would like to extend its thanks to the following people, who have allowed it to flourish into what it has become today:

  • Neil Brandwood (1995-1996) - B.U.T.T.S.
  • James Perrott (1996-1997) - B.U.T.T.S.
  • Alan Stiles (1997-1998) - LSAC
  • James Perrott (1998-1999) - NTUAC (Formerly B.U.T.T.S.)
  • Becky Haskins (1999-2000) - UWAC
  • Anna Tillman (2000-2002) - UWAC
  • Ed Rial (2002-2004) - B.U.T.T.S.
  • Paul Hawkins (2004-2005) - B.U.T.T.S.
  • Diana Wood (2005-2006) - CUB
  • Alex Stuart (2006-2009) - UWAC
  • Steve Johnson (2009-2012) - B.U.T.T.S.
  • Chris Guerin (2012-2014) - UWAC
  • Adam Peers (2014-2017) - LSAC
  • Carys Evans (2017-2018) - UWAC
  • David Richardson (2018-2019) - UWAC
  • Tim Jackson (2019-2020) - UWAC
  • Morgan Burgess (2020-2021) - UoN
  • Hannah Burnage (2021-2022) - UWAC
  • Callum Henfrey (2022-2023) - OUCofA
  • Charlotte Chard & Dan Lewis (2023-2024) - ULAC
  • Katie Axup (2024-2025) - LSAC

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