Archer Etiquette

Last updated at 2:05 p.m. on the 12th April 2019

While it is expected that each archer behaves and is polite at each league shoot, good archers will also have good etiquette. The Archery GB (formerly GNAS) handbook says that a good archer:

  • Does not talk in a loud voice when others are shooting.
  • Does not talk to another archer who obviously prefers to be silent.
  • Does not make any exclamation on the shooting line which might startle another archer who is in the act of shooting.
  • Does not go behind the target to retrieve his/her arrows before his scores have been recorded.
  • Does not walk up and down the shooting line comparing scores.
  • Does not touch anyone else’s equipment without permission.
  • Does not leave litter.
  • When calling scores, does so in groups of three. For example, “7-7-5” pause “5-3-1”.
  • If he/she breaks another archer's arrow through carelessness, pays for it in cash on the spot.
  • Thanks the Target Captain at the end of the round for recording the scores.

Other manners that are considered good practise in the B.U.T.T.S. League are:

  • Always thank the Field Captain at the end of a shoot.
  • Do not approach or leave the shooting line if an adjacent archer is at full draw during a shot.
  • If there is only one other person left shooting on the line after you, remain on the line until they have finished shooting, unless that have requested you not to do so.

On top of all of this, teams in the possession of the challenge trophies are expected to take care of them, with the holder being responsible for them while in his/her possession. The trophies are to be returned at the appropriate time in a clean and fit condition for presentation, with any engravings carried out.