
Last updated at 11:17 a.m. on the 25th May 2024

On this resource page and sub-pages, you'll find information about various aspects of the league - from how to organise and run a T.O.U.C.A.N. leg, to what the league's badge system is and how to claim them. The following pages are dedicated to:

  • T.O.U.C.A.N Badges - Here you can find out all about the League's badge system, how to claim badges, and what scores are necessary for them across the different rounds that they can be claimed for.
  • Archer Etiquette - Archery is an accommodating sport and everyone is welcome. To make sure that each archer has a pleasant experience at a League competition, we have a list of expectations for the behaviour of each competitor.
  • Organising a Leg - The task of organising and running an archery competition can be daunting. The League has put together a guide for how to organise and run a leg to help with this. While some of the information will be League-specific, it is also a great guide for running an archery competition as a whole.
  • Ultimate Archer - Ultimate Archer is a secondary competition run within the league across the indoor season of each academic year. Archers shoot 3 rounds and submit a combined score, with awards for top archers given out at the year's ball.

If there is something that you feel is missing from these pages, please talk to the League Organiser.