Last updated at 9:05 p.m. on
the 30th September 2023
- The name of the competition will be the Toxophilites Of Universities Central And Nearby Challenge Trophy, herein referred to as "TOUCAN”.
- Administration for the League will be done by the TOUCAN League Organiser, and assisted by the Division 2 Organiser who shall be elected each year at the TOUCAN AGM. They must be registered students in the year they hold the position.
- The competition shall be contested between the TOUCAN clubs in two divisions:
- Division 1 will be made up of teams from the universities of Birmingham, Cambridge, De Montfort, Derby, Loughborough, Nottingham, Oxford, Nottingham Trent, and Warwick
- Division two will be made up of teams from the universities of Coventry, Leicester, Lincoln, Northampton and Worcester.
- Following the 23/24 season the Divisions will be split to have 8 teams in Division 1 and 6 in Division 2 in accordance with rule 2.2
- The entry of any new teams into the league must be agreed by all current Club Captains well in advance of the start of that year’s league
- Each university must initially have an equal share of the available places at each leg and the Championships, a minimum quota of 12 archers per university must be offered at Division 1 legs, and 8 at both the Championships and Division 2 legs.
- The TOUCAN League Organiser will levy a charge for all medals and the cost of the Indoor and Outdoor Championships to each competing university at the start of the season.
- All shooting, except where otherwise specified, will be shot in accordance with the current ArcheryGB Rules of Shooting. The ArcheryGB Dress Code does not apply, but team colours are encouraged. All shooting will be done in timed ends, but each archer will receive a warning on the first occasion they exceed the time. Individuals will be eligible for participation in the category of their preferred gender, or in no category competing only for team medals in the Open Category.
- The team scores for the Challenge Trophy will be made up of the highest four non-compound scores from each university in attendance. The team scores for the Novice Challenge Trophy will be made up of the highest four novice non-compound scores from each university present. To be eligible for the team scores an archer must also be eligible for BUCS.
- Guests of competing universities will be allowed to shoot at the discretion of the organising club (who may decide to levy a charge on these guests) and the TOUCAN organiser. They may not count toward any team scores, but they can compete for individual medals if they are a current student at a university which does not belong to any regional league. Archers from TOUCAN Clubs in attendance at a leg their club is not scheduled to compete at are ineligible for medals. Guest must be able to provide proof of Archery GB membership.
- All archers (including guests) are eligible for TOUCAN badges as long as they shoot the required score and pay the correct price for the badge .
- A "Novice" is a person who has not shot (except "have-a-goes"/summer camps etc) before September of the current academic year, and has not previously held insurance with an archery governing body.
- The rules listed here can only be changed by a vote open to all Club Captains. At least 10 votes must be received, and a 2/3rd majority must be reached for the rule change to pass . A request for a change of rules can be put in by any member club at any time.
- Average Score is calculated as the mean of the top 3 team scores achieved by a University over their best 3 of the legs and/or Championship. Average score is NOT used to award any trophies or decide placements in the table.
- Following the end of the Indoor Championships the average score for each university is calculated in accordance with rule 2.1. Division 1 for the next Season will be the top 8 universities based on average score and Division 2 the bottom 6 universities with average score. If in the case 2 universities have the same average score, then the team with the highest team score from the Championship is ranked higher, if the universities are still tied then go to the second highest team score thus continuing until a ranking occurs. If in the case a tie still cant be decided a single arrow shoot off occurs at the Championships until a winner is decided.
- Each of the competing universities will host a Portsmouth round (at their own expense), on a date agreed between them and their respective TOUCAN Division Organiser, giving at least two weeks’ notice of the event. All competitions must fall within the combined term times of all competing universities. Legs can be held outside of the combined term times with the agreement of the competing universities for that leg, and the TOUCAN Organiser. The host club will always shoot at their own leg.
- There will be eight categories in which prizes will be awarded: Open Recurve, Lady Recurve, Novice Open Recurve, Novice Lady Recurve, Compound, Barebow, Novice Barebow, and Longbow.
- Each division will have a number of complementary legs per year. The number of legs and the splits are as follows:
- Division 1 will have 3 complementary legs with 3 teams at each venue. These are preferably to be held on the same day, otherwise at the closest possible date.
- Division 2 will have 3 legs where all 5 teams shoot at one venue over a number of sessions on the same day.
- Following the 23/34 Season Division 1 will have 3 complementary legs with 4 teams at each venue. These are preferably to be held on the same day, otherwise at the closest possible date.
- Following the 23/24 Season Division 2 will have 3 complementary legs with 3 teams at each venue. These are preferably to be held on the same day, otherwise at the closest possible date.
- At each venue medals will be awarded for the following classes: Open Recurve, Recurve Ladies, Open Recurve Novice, Recurve Novice Ladies, Compound Combined, Barebow Combined, Novice Barebow Combined, and Longbow Combined. If the are 1 to 3 archers in a class, only gold will be awarded; if there are 4 or 5 archers, gold and silver will be awarded; if there are 6 or more archers, gold, silver and bronze will be awarded.
- Points will be awarded for each ‘complementary leg’ for team positions in their respective division. Position is decided upon by total score, if tied then by total hits and then total gold. If a team does not attend a leg, they will receive no points.
- Division 1: 1st - 9 pts, 2nd - 8 pts, 3rd - 7 pts, 4th - 6 pts, 5th – 5pts, 6th – 4pts, 7th - 3pts, 8th - 2pts, 9th – 1pt.
- Division 2: 1st - 5 pts, 2nd - 4 pts, 3rd - 3 pts, 4th - 2 pt, 5th - 1pt.
- If a team does not attend a leg they will receive no points
- All TOUCAN clubs are entitled to attend the Indoor Championship, Outdoor Championship, and Non-recurve Championship. The Indoor Championship should be scheduled to take place after all other league legs have already taken place.
- Medals will be awarded in the same way as a leg for the Indoor Championships. For the Outdoor Championships the categories Open, Ladies and Novices will compete in different classes for Longbow, Compound and Barebow.
- Points will be awarded at the Indoor Championship for team positions based on their division. Position is decided upon by total score, if tied then by total hits and then total gold. If a team does not attend the Championship, they will receive no points.
- Division 1: 1st - 9 pts down to 9th - 1pt.
- Division 2: 1st - 5 pts down to 5th - 1pt.
- The Challenge Trophy will be awarded to the Division 1 team who after the indoor championships has the greatest number of points. The Novice Challenge Trophy will be awarded in the same way. In the event of a tie the aggregate team score from each round will be added together to find a winner. In the event of this being the same the clubs contesting the Challenge Trophy must nominate four representatives who must down a pint consecutively. The winners of the Challenge Trophy will be the team who does this the fastest!
- An Outdoor Championship will run independently of the rest of the league, contributing no points towards the Challenge or Novice Challenge Trophy. Awards for the Outdoor Championship will be announced on the day.
- A Non-recurve Championship will run independently of the rest of the league, contributing no points towards the Challenge or Novice Challenge trophies. Awards for the Non-recurve Championship will be announced on the day.
- A Field Archery Championship will run independently of the rest of the league, contributing no points towards the Challenge or Novice Challenge Trophy. Awards for the Field Archery Championship will be announced on the day.